Paco Aroca Quesada

Español | English

I have been exercising my whole life and I thought I knew everything. Training with Enso Movers has been like studying a new university degree. I never thought the human body was so complex and able to go above the limits all the time.

When I first started, I didn’t know how to do a Handstand, nor a well-performed Pull Up. I have learned a lot since then, and my body has been changing to adapt to the new challenges I got from my coaches. After one year training with them, I can say it has been revolutionary. Not only has my body changed, but also my mind feels clearer and calmer. I can focus on my tasks as an engineer in a better way and it is because of the training and the new patterns of movement I have learned. Enso Movers has taking my routine to the next level.

Furthermore, I have to thank them for always having an eye on me to give me motivation and to avoid me to rest on my laurels when I had already achieved a goal.

I totally recommend you to train with them. You can always go back to the gym, but… who needs a gym when you have a whole planet?
