About Us

Español | English

Greetings, human.

To start this paragraph, we would like to highlight, even though we have formal studies in the area of personal training, we think that our best letter of introduction are the results of our work, so before you continue reading, we ask you to visit our social media.

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Despite this fact, as professionals, we would like to tell you why we have started this journey.

Our names are Pablo Bañón and Pablo Vázquez, we are from Elche, Alicante. Even though we started from a different points we have always had “ants in our pants“. The critical thinking, curiosity (understood as hunger for learning) and the firm conviction that one has to make themselves, has lead us to reject the current educative model and perception of physical exercise.


Both of us have trained a wide variety of disciplines, such as parkour, acrobatics, circus arts, swimming, martial arts, strength training, Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, … Each one of them has given us a little piece of our current conception of training, and with all of them we have learnt to appreciate the great versatility of the human body when it comes to movement.

From the union of all these experiences and values Enso Movers is born, with the illusion of sharing our passion for movement and physical exercise.
