Pablo Jurado


Español | English

I started working with Enso Movers about 3 months ago, as a fan of the movement that I am, I am only willing to put myself in the hands of someone more fanatic than me and who shares my vision of the human movement, and this was what I perceived as soon as I contacted them.

I have been training, for many years,  many physical activities that demand strength, mobility and body control and I need my physical qualities prepared so that the mind can enjoy the freedom of movement. Here is where I asked help for to Enso Movers.

They have helped me in 3 months to get the Front Splits, improve the line in the hands and with their sharp eye spot mistakes, complete the various series of Muscle Ups (with rings), greatly improve the mobility of the spine and what I value most, being in contact with a community of people who are always looking to improve and learn.

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Hoy os traemos a @Pablojm89, uno de nuestros estudiantes más recientes. Tras 3
meses de entrenamiento su Front Split ya va cogiendo forma. . El trabajo de movilidad puede ser duro, pero nos aportará unos beneficios increíbles tanto
para la práctica deportiva como para la vida diaria. Con constancia, esfuerzo y una buena
guía tú también puedes mejorar movilidad y habilidades.
💪 . 📩📩Si estás interesado en nuestros servicios de Online Coaching ponte en contacto con nosotros a través del email: . —————— .
Today we bring you one of our most recent students: @Pablojm89. He started in Enso
Movers 3 months ago and we can already see he is making progress on his Front Splits. .
Mobility work can be hard, but it will give us incredible benefits in sports and in our daily life.
With perseverance, effort and a good guide you can also improve your mobility and skills.
💪 . 📩📩If you are interested in our service of Online Coaching get in touch with us through our email: . . #Ensomovers #Testimonio #Testimonial #OnlineCoaching #motivation #motivationyou
#MotivationalVideos #motivationalreminder #gains #gainsgym #gainssquad #flexibility
#hardwork #hardworkalwayspays #hardworkandedication #hardworkpaysoffbigtime
#hardworker #FrontSplit #movementculture #ensomovers #mobility #culturadelmovimiento
#movement #fitness #gymnastics #training #calisthenics #crossfit #strength #circus

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